Ireland Baldwin may be the latest member of the Baldwin family on the wrong side of the law.

The New York Daily News reports the 20-year-old model daughter of Alec Baldwin and Kim Basinger is suspected of giving illegal tattoos. She recently shared photos on Instagram revealing she got new ink on her wrist at New York’s West 4 Tattoo — and returned the favor to a tattoo artist named Jon Boy.

Baldwin is seen holding a needle gun and tattooing “L.A.” in the style of the Los Angeles Dodgers baseball team’s logo on Boy’s wrist. On his social media page, he called her a “young grasshopper,” suggesting she’s not experienced — or licensed.

According to the Daily News, it’s illegal in New York to give anyone a tattoo unless the artist has a state license and has taken a course in infection control. Fines for violations could set her or the shop back anywhere from $300 to $1,000.

Another NYC tattoo parlor got fined in 2009 after video showed Rihanna inking the letter “R” on several employees’ bodies. Boy told the newspaper he was aware of RiRi’s incident, but didn’t see anything wrong with Baldwin doing it because it was “under my consent and my supervision.”

Source: Report: Alec Baldwin’s daughter Ireland Baldwin may have broken law with tattoo |