The actress posted a photo of her bandaged ring finger on her Snapchat account on Sunday (02Oct16), revealing it had almost been severed by an anchor.

She wrote: “I almost lost my finger from the anchor. Well, I lost half my finger. Thank goodness we found the piece of my finger. i just had surgery to fix it… it hurts so bad.”

Lindsay also posted additional shots of her injury on Instagram, with the caption, “This is why I shouldn’t try to help get the rope to anchor the boat. I lost half of my finger….,” however she has since deleted the shots.

According to, the star’s friends took her to a local hospital, where a plastic surgeon re-attached the digit.

The Mean Girls star didn’t offer up any further details but it’s believed the accident happened off the coast of Turkey, where she was visiting last week (27Sep16).

Lindsay took to Instagram to share snaps of her stop at an Istanbul hospital, where she visited a refugee family who had fled from war-torn Aleppo, Syria.

Source: Lindsay Lohan almost loses her finger in boating accident